Bogus Callers/Texts


The Health & Social Care Board have recently been made aware of a number of incidents across Northern Ireland of patients being contacted by telephone from someone claiming to be linked to their GPs practice trying to sell products to the patient or attempting to extract financial information including bank details. Please do not give any personal information over the telephone. If you are contacted, please inform a member of staff at Moira Surgery.

Similarly there are a number of Covid Text type scams. The surgery does use texting as a means of communication, however you will never be asked for any financial information. If you are unsure about a text message please contact the surgery.

Patient On-Line 24/7 Access for services

Patient Access for ordering repeat prescriptions is available and is the most efficient way of ordering your medication.  You can use this service 24/7 for staff to pick up requests once the surgery opens. You can see when your medication has been processed and you can still choose which pharmacy your signed prescription goes to. 

Please call in to the surgery and speak to a receptionist to arrange for an access PIN to use this service.

Whilst booking appointments online is currently suspended we anticipate that this service will resume this summer, 2023, please ask a receptionist or look out for our Newsletter for further details.